Plano Texas Politics

November 3, 2009

Virginia Stands us Against the Government Will You?

Filed under: National News — jdalley @ 12:36 pm
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“Turnout was light, and interviews with voters at several Northern Virginia precincts showed little sign of the blue tide that swept Virginia a year ago, when the state played a pivotal role in the election of Barack Obama as the nation’s 44th president. Instead, many voters said they were distressed about the direction the country seemed to be taking under Obama’s leadership, and would vote for Republican candidates in part as a way to slow the pace of change.

“I lean to the right and [government] is going way too left for me,” said Dick West, 49, who works as a construction supervisor and said he mistrusted the federal government on both health-care reform and taxes. West said he voted for Republican gubernatorial candidate Robert F. McDonnell when he cast his ballot at Antietam Elementary School in the Occoquan district, in northern Prince William County.

At Clarendon United Methodist Church in Arlington County, lawyer John Malanchuk, 61, said he voted Republican to protect small businesses — and because he fears that Democratic-backed health reform could lead to insurance for illegal immigrants, even though proposed bills do not allow for such an option.” – Washington Post

It seems that the Virginians are sending a message to both their local leaders and to the white house. We all over America need to spread the same message as we cast our votes. We need to show our local leaders and the White House that we do not support the socialist trend that our leaders our taking us down. We need to show our leaders that we care about America and our Constitution. We need to stand up!

~James Dalley


October 27, 2009

Government Health Care has not been Kicked out the Door Yet!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) announced Monday that he will seek to bring a health-care bill to the Senate floor that includes a government insurance plan, a major reversal from just two weeks ago, when Reid was leaning against the idea. – Washington Post

Reid defended this “new” bill by saying:

“I believe that a public option can achieve the goal of bringing meaningful reform to our broken system. It will protect consumers, keep insurers honest and ensure competition,” Reid said.

My main response to this is; who is to keep the government “honest”? Besides that it is not the purpose of the government to provide health care to its citizens. Though I oppose all forms of government health care the only legal form of government health care is government health care done by the state. The tenth amendment to the constitution states:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The power to create government health care was not delegated to the federal government and was not prohibited to the state government. So, that means that it is up to the states and the people what to do about health care. This IS NOT an issue that involves the federal government.

The time has come again for Americans to stand up against government health care once again. We must not let the Senators in Washington believe that we have grown weary of this issue. We must stand up against the tyranny of government health care.

~James Dalley

October 26, 2009

A Quote for Thought

Filed under: National News — jdalley @ 8:59 pm
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“I do not know whether all Americans have a sincere faith in their religion-for who can search the human heart?–but I am certain that they hold it to be indispensable to the maintenance of republican institutions. This opinion is not peculiar to a class of citizens or to a party, but it belongs to the whole nation and to every rank of society.”  (De Tocqueville, Democracy in America, I.2.9)

Is religion necessary for liberty to thrive?

“And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God?  That they are not to be violated but with his wrath?  Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just:  that his justice cannot sleep forever:  that considering numbers, nature, and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events:  that it may become probable by supernatural interference!  The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in such a contest.”  (Thomas Jefferson, Query XVIII, Notes on the State of Virginia)

So, will America be able to survive if we remove the firm basis of God from our nation? My believe is that it won’t so we need to bring God back into America.

~James Dalley

October 1, 2009

Benjamin Franklin Quote

Filed under: Founding Father Quote,National News — jdalley @ 12:57 pm
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“Whenever an office, through increase of fees or otherwise, becomes so profitable, as to occasion many to apply for it, the profits ought to be lessened by the legislature.”

– Ben Franklin

I think that this could be one of the largest problems with Congress… Senators and Representatives get paid too much. The fundamental problem is that Congress can vote to get a higher salary. I do not know what we can do to change this but it is food for thought.

~ James Dalley

September 29, 2009

Thomas Jefferson on Debt

Filed under: Economics,National News — jdalley @ 12:10 pm
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“To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between liberty and economy, or profusion and servitude.”

-Thomas Jefferson

We need to listen to the author of the Declaration of Independence. We can not let Congress burden us with huge amounts of debt. Congress doesn’t seem to realize that we can’t keep going in debt! Debt was what caused the housing crisis, and that was just the debt of the people. Imagine what would happen if the United States of America had to pay off all of it’s debts within the next year. It would be impossible. We can not allow ourselves to go further in debt. Wake up America! Stand up for a debt free nation.

~James Dalley

September 21, 2009

A Vicotory!

I am proud to report what many believe to be a victory for the free market and for America!

For many months I have had little to no good news about what has been happening in Washington. I can finally say We The People have accomplished something!

I have been asking myself why haven’t I heard anything about the cap and trade bill for a while? I found my answer today at the CATO Institutes’ Website.

“Simple: the votes aren’t there for it. Blanche Lincoln, the new head of the Agriculture Committee, calls cap-and-trade a “complete non starter” and said that it is not her “preference to move on cap and trade this year.” Majority Leader Harry Reid recently signaled his agreement by stating that cap-and-trade “may” not be considered until next year. For cap-and-trade, “next year” translates as “never.” Senators know what touched off the town halls, and they know what fate awaits many of their Democratic colleagues come November 2010. Passing an unpopular health care “public option” along with cap-and-trade will easily realign the Senate into its old filibustering self. That kills cap-and-trade in the next Congress.”            – Cato Institute (Patrick J. Michaeles)

The people stood up for the free market and informed their representatives and senators that they did not support this bill and because of that we have won the battle. Good job America!

~James Dalley

September 20, 2009

Obama places a 35% Tariff on Tires from China!

“In one of his first major decisions on trade policy, President Obama opted Friday to impose a tariff on tires from China, a move that fulfills his campaign promise to “crack down” on imports that unfairly undermine American workers but risks angering the nation’s second-largest trading partner.” – The Washington Post

China is our SECOND LARGEST trading partner we can not afford to make them angry. America imports many things from China that we don’t even make here in America. Also we import many things into China and it will hurt many business if we too have to pay a tariff on goods we import to China.

“Although this may sound like just another day in Washington, Obama’s decision will be consequential. It will help clarify his administration’s heretofore opaque trade policy objectives. It will set the tone for U.S.-China trade relations for the foreseeable future. And it will affect broader international trade relations, for better or for worse, as America honors or disavows its pledge to the Group of 20 nations to avoid new protectionist measures.” – The Free Trade Bulletin.

I would like you to note the fact that the United States has pledged to TWENTY nations that we will avoid any new protectionist measures, one of which would be creating new tariffs. The president can not just go around breaking promises which he has made to 20 nations.

Though we can not stop this decision, for it has already been made, we can inform Obama and our own senators and representatives, in Washington, that we do not agree with the new regulations Obama is enforcing.

~James Dalley

September 14, 2009

President’s Speech on Health Care

“Under this plan, it will be against the law for insurance companies to deny you coverage because of a preexisting condition.”

This may sound glorious on paper but this will not help many people. If a company can not judge who to except and who to not except insurance companies will fall.

“There may still be companies that refuse to do right by their workers by giving them coverage.”

Is Obama making a moral judgment on companies now? “That refuse to do right”! Companies have to do what they can to survive, the president doesn’t have the right to make moral judgments of the people.

~James Dalley

September 10, 2009

Obamacare Poll

Last Night’s Health Care Speech

For next couple of days I plan to slowly dissect the speech that Obama gave last night about health care.

“Thanks to the bold  and decisive action we’ve taken since January, I can stand here with confidence and say that we have pulled this economy back from the brink.”

I would like to point out that a lot of the bailout money did not actually help the businesses. Now we even have businesses that are almost being completely controlled by the government, General Motors or should I say Government Motors.

“Everybody understands the extraordinary hardships that are placed on the uninsured.”

The United States of America have always been about hardship, and trails, not an easy and laid back life. Many people have grown from nothing to something extraordinary, while many others have fallen. America is founded on hardship and success. Life in America is not easy.

~James Dalley

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