Plano Texas Politics

June 10, 2009

Problems with Public Schooling (Morals)

In today’s society we expect most to all children to go to a government run public schooling system. There are many problems with this system though, most of which are not generally discussed. My biggest problem with the public school system is that it no longer just teaches readin’, ‘rittin’, and ‘rithmetic, but it now teaches morals too! Milton Friedman who was a famous 20th century economist, and a Nobel prize winner in economics, said this:

“Public schools teach religion, too–not a formal, theistic religion, but a set of values and beliefs that constitute a religion in all but name. The present arrangements abridge the religions freedom of the parents who do not accept the religion taught by the public schools yet are forced to pay to have their children indoctrinated with it, and to pay to still more to have their children escape indoctrination.”

A modern day example of this is the teaching of evolution. Our kids are being taught that we all evolved from monkeys and that God doesn’t exist. Teachers may not say right out that God doesn’t exist but the overall result is to teach our children to be atheists. This can be seen in the increasing number of atheists among the younger generation. Public schools have started to accept the ways of the world instead of sticking to strong, good, morals, upon which our country was founded.

So our tax dollars are being spent to teach our children morals that we do not always agree with and the parents have no control over what their children are being taught unless they homeschool them or take them to private school.

-James Dalley

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