Plano Texas Politics

June 22, 2009

Problems with Public Schooling (The Constitution)

I believe that another problem with public schooling is that it doesn’t stress the Constitution. This one of the problems with today’s youth. They do not know what the Constitution says and thus do not know the rights that are granted to them within the Constitution. I have tried many different tacts to try to get teenagers to read the Constitution, and most of the time I fail. I have gotten responses like, “It’s boring” “I don’t need to read it” “I’m not going into law” “I don’t have time” etc. I find these responses very scary. The youth of our nation, the future politicians, do not care that much for the Constitution.

I would like to stress to all of you the extreme importance of the Constitution, and the importance that we all know what the Consitution says, and what it is about.

Thanks you for your time,

~James Dalley

June 19, 2009

Voucher System of Schooling (Myths)

The Voucher System was first invented by Milton Friedman. Under this system a parent would be able to get a voucher for x dollars from the child’s school and the parent could then use that voucher to pay for private school tution or homeschooling.

In this post I will discuss one of the biggest myths behind the Voucher System.

This myth is that the Voucher System would drain money from the public schools. This is a fallacy. The parent does not usually receive the full amount that the state get’s for the child so for example if the state gets $10,000 dollars they may make the voucher be $8,000 so the parent gets $8,000 to pay for a private school while the school keeps the $2,000. This actually benefits the public schools. Also with one less student the school has to pay for teaching one less student so the school benefits in that way too.

I hope that you can see that this myth is just that a myth and that it would be benificial to switch to a voucher system. I will write more on this subject later.

Thank you for your time,

-James Dalley

June 12, 2009

What Teacher’s say Public vs. Private

Most people will defend public schooling with their life because they believe in everyone getting an education, but there is another and better way. I will not go into detail about it here but it is called the Voucher System. Here I will just list some statistics from a survey, which can be found here.

First off though people seem to believe that private school teachers get more but in reality this is not true. Public school teachers get $45,000 a year, and private school teachers get $30,000 a year.

Secondly illegal drug use is much more common in public schools than in private schools. Only 52% of public school teachers said that illegal drug use never happened and 72% of private school teachers said that it never happens. Huh? Which is better?

Third, physical abuse of the teachers. Public 67% never happens, Private 95% never happens. Now I really don’t know which is best.

Fourth, verbal abuse of teachers. Public 18% never happens, Private 54% never happens. I still can’t tell which is better.

Finally, student pregnancy. Public 70% not a problem, Private 95% not a problem. I think I figured it out! Private School is better!

I hope you came to the same conclusion or at least that you have begun to consider different options.

-James Dalley

June 10, 2009

Please Take the Poll

Filed under: Education — jdalley @ 4:54 pm
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