Plano Texas Politics

September 26, 2009


Filed under: National News — jdalley @ 5:00 am
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First off all of you have heard about ACORN but must don’t know what it stands for and what this organization stands for.

ACORN: Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now

ACORN is for “Affordable Housing”, “Better Schools”, “Fair Housing”, “Fair Tax Fees”, “Stopping Foreclosures”, “Health Care”, and many more things. For the full list click here.

Now let me quote an statement that ACORN made on the 17th of September.

“Many of you have seen the “news stories” that originated on Fox about ACORN

First off though Fox 4 News does have many news stories about ACORN they are not the only ones attacking ACORN. All of the Democrats though are attacking the defenders of the Constitution and the Libertarians who work for Fox News. Next they blame Fox News for “doctoring” the tapes.

“4. Many who have seen the videotapes have told us that they believe the tapes are
doctored: questions appear to be added in voiceover, there are breaks in some of the
action, etc. We have sent a letter to Roger Ailes, the President of Fox News, asking for
the original copies of the tapes so we can examine them ourselves.”

I find this offensive. Anyway what is ACORN really doing? I honestly don’t know but I agree with what Texas Senator John Cornyn is trying to do.

“I continue to be alarmed over ACORN’s blatant misuse of taxpayer dollars, and I recently asked Majority Leader Harry Reid to instruct relevant Senate committee chairmen to investigate ACORN’s offenses and identify the sources of all federal funds that ACORN and its affiliates receive, so that we can ensure taxpayers don’t continue to fund this fraud-ridden organization.  The Majority Leader is currently refusing to investigate ACORN, stating that it would be a “distraction.”  It appears that for Majority Leader Reid,  ‘oversight’ is a selective responsibility” – John Cornyn

I hope that Harry Reid will listen to him, but until then, I suggest that anyone interested in learning about ACORN do their own research and find out the facts for themselves. Don’t just trust the media whether it be Fox 4 or the New York Times.

~James Dalley

June 18, 2009

Obama Attacks Fox 4 News

Filed under: National News — jdalley @ 9:36 am
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Yesterday, in an interview with John Harwood of CNBC. Harwood said that Obama was mostly getting good press, but Obama said that there was one station that kept attacking him. The interviewer asked if he was referring to Fox 4. Obama did not directly answer but he seemed to be reffering to Fox. This is what Obama said:

“You said it’s coming. Media critics would say not only has it not come, but that you have gotten such favorable press, either because of bias or because you’re good box office, that it’s hurting the country, because you’re not being sufficiently held accountable for your policies,” Harwood said. “Assess that. ”

“It’s very hard for me to swallow that one,” Obama told Harwood. “First of all, I’ve got one television station entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, you know, that’s a pretty…

“I assume you’re talking about FOX,” Harwood said.

“Well, that’s a pretty big megaphone,” Obama replied. “And you’d be hard-pressed, if you watched the entire day, to find a positive story about me on that front.”

After that Bill O’Reilly said that he has applauded Obama many times but he has also attacked Obama.

Obama face the facts! You can’t be liked by everyone!

-James Dalley

For The Video